在经过短暂停牌后,卡森国际发布澄清报告,对做空报告的指控逐一进行回击。这也让一些投资者重振信心,股价回升。遭遇做空机构打击 暴跌停牌21日上午,国际知名的沽空机构BLUE ORCA发布做空报告,称卡森国际董事长一家通过谎报收入和利润,蒙骗、掠夺投资者,洗劫上市公司。
Johnston is a well-known critic of corporate tax breaks. “In general, I detest these kinds of subsidies,” he said. “If you’re going to have a market economy, have a market economy.” But, he added, in terms of the Amazon deal, “This is not a black-and-white situation.” He pointed out that there have been many far more dubious projects that were subsidized with very little protest; both the Goldman Sachs headquarters, in lower Manhattan, and Yankee Stadium, in the Bronx, were built with significant taxpayer assistance, to name two. “There are a lot of these deals where it’s just throwing money down a rat hole, but this is one where there’s significant potential that it would have jump-started real change,” he said. “Fifty years from now, New Yorkers may look back and say, ‘That was a mistake.’ ”