There were many scientific questions raised. But there's also a very personal dynamic for these two girls. If things had been thoroughly vetted, there might have been a proper discussion. So there are two sisters, and one is refractory to HIV infection and that was a desired outcome from the parents or at least the father you specifically highlighted. Within the family dynamic, are these daughters going to be treated differently? The othe rside of that is the one girl that is refractory to HIV infection- is she now going to be desirable for breeding? Will this change her whole dynamic in terms of marriage and children because a spouse might be particularly interested in getting this mutation within the family? Even this very simple thing, with these two girls being different and the family and now this being something of an enhancement preventative trait not just a disease correction but now something new that could be introduced in the population.
责任编辑:马秋菊 SF186近期,煤价上演淡季不淡的行情,不断创出今年新高。数据显示,4月份,全国全社会用电延续一季度快速增长态势,同比增长7.8%,较去年同期提高1.8个百分点,比3月份增速提高4.2个百分点。今年六大电企日耗较去年同期水平偏高,5月17日电厂日耗迅速攀升至74.3万吨。